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The Lockerbie Case

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Author Topic: The Lockerbie Case  (Read 7191 times)
Hero Member
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« on: February 27, 2011, 06:16:03 pm »

The background
Terrorists who bombed Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie on 21st  December 1988 murdered 270 passengers, crew, and townsfolk of a quiet Scottish town. Among the dead was Flora Swire, aged 24. Two Libyan agents - Abdel Bassett Al-Megrahi and Khalifah Fhimah - were targeted by the CIA and FBI as the guilty men. In a  trial held in Holland Fhimah was released with "No Case to Answer".  Al-Megrahi was convicted. Much of the world believed that that was where the story ended. Only after twenty years campaigning by Jim Swire, Professor Bob Black and many others did the sensational truth begin to emerge.


« Last Edit: February 27, 2011, 07:17:20 pm by TD892 » Report Spam   Report to moderator   Logged
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« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2011, 06:21:16 pm »

The official website of Dr Jim Swire and Lockerbie researcher Peter Biddulph    
      The Pan Am 103 Trial in 2001 of Al-Megrahi,
his conviction and August 2009 release on compassionate grounds


26th February 2011
British officials "warning Gaddafi regime of ICC arrest warrants for war crimes."
The Guardian newspaper today reports that "British officials are contacting senior Libyan regime figures to persuade them to desert Gaddafi or face trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity". Two senior figures have not only defected, they claim that Gaddafi personally ordered the Lockerbie bombing.  Unfortunately for those who have swallowed the latest news coverage of statements by former ministers Abd-al-Jalil and General Younes, the world's media has ignored their motivation.  It is the fundamental urge for self-preservation.  These two gentlemen have made claims which are music to the ears of the British and American governments.  A reasonable view of their statements is that they are seeking to plea bargain with the International Criminal Court in advance of any arrests. They provide no proof, and when probed by journalists have turned reticent and evasive.  We look forward with interest to any details which might indicate "proof".  So far, nothing has emerged.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2011, 06:57:45 pm by TD892 » Report Spam   Report to moderator   Logged
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« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2011, 06:24:49 pm »
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« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2011, 06:49:20 pm »

A Preview of the Lockerbie Case
By Professor Michael P. Scharf

On December 21, 1988, a bomb exploded in the cargo hold of Pan Am Flight 103, killing all 259 passengers and crew, as well as eleven residents of the town of Lockerbie where the wreckage of the Boeing 747 crashed 31,000 feet below. After years of negotiations and diplomatic maneuvering, in April 1999, Libya surrendered the two Libyan officials accused of the bombing (Abdelbasset Ali Ahmed Al-Megrahi and Ali Amin Khalifa Fhimah) for trial in the Netherlands before a panel of Scottish judges at a former U.S. military base known as Camp Zeist. The trial is set to begin on May 3, 2000. It scheduled to last a year, with as many as 1,000 witnesses testifying.
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« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2011, 07:27:16 pm »

The Demon Prince

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« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2011, 02:36:21 pm »

Lockerbie revisited
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« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2011, 07:46:40 pm »

This is the online copy of the official MEBO ananlysis regarding the MST-13 timer question
received from MEBO Ldt. October 25/1999
published as original including italics, underlining and fat typography and including spelling errors etc.
Active underlined http-links are mine.



This is the summary of knowledge in this matter, dated 5-15-1999, correction 8-19-1999.

On November 14.-/15., 1991, we learned from two simultaneous pressconferences in the UK and in the USA that the alleged Libyan secret agents: Mr. Abdel Baset al-Megrahi and Mr. Lamen Khalifa Fhima, were being accused to be responsible for the alleged bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie.

The explosive device was then said to have been built into a portable radio-cassette player "Toshiba", type Bombeat 453, that had been placed into a brown "Samsonite"-suit-case, type Silhouette 4000.

This bomb-filled suitcase was then said to have been routed onto flight KM-180, leaving Malta for Frankfurt on December 21, 1988 (x-rayed) and handled as "interline" Luggage. This suit-case then was to continue the journey from Frankfurt on flight PA 103A in form of "online"-luggage to London-Heathrow to there be transferred onto flight PA-103, when this suitcase allegedly exploded at 7:03 PM (GMT) over Lockerbie shortly after takeoff from Heathrow!

The indictment, dated November 14./15., 1999, also maintains that a fragment from a circuit-board belonging to a MEBO MST-13 timer, had been discovered from the Lockerbie crash-site.

The indictment continues explaining that such MST-13 timer had triggered the bomb over Lockerbie, timers of which MEBO had delivered 20 prototype-units to Libyan Armed Forces Secret Service JSO in the years 1985-1986.

The MEBO Inc. Partners E. Meister and E. Bollier did confirm to the forensic experts from the FBI and the Scottish police that such MST-13 timers had actually been delivered to Libya; (see official police-protocols from 1990).

Meister and Bolier had "smartly" been coached into depositing such a statement by simply being asked to identify the alleged fragment from a slightly blurred photograph. Shock and stress from being named kind of an accessory to this tragedy prevented E. Bollier and E. Meister from insisting first to actually view the alleged fragment, prior to making clear identification!

In the summer of 1990, the FBI and the Scottish Police requested official legal assistance from the Swiss government to have the Swiss Federal Police and the Attorney General’s office organise the interrogation of the MEBO partners: Erwin Meister and Edwin Bollier as well as the MEBO electronics engineer Ulrich Lumpert. Various electronics items identified by the Lord Advocate’s office, were also to be confiscated during the questioning.

The Swiss legal assistance was to be quickly granted in connection with the alleged attempt of PanAm 103 over Lockerbie.

E. Meister and E. Bollier quickly and uncomplicatedly declared themselves available for the required questioning and also agreed to hand over the items listed in a special document from the Lord Advocate’s office, such as: several empty MST-13 circuit-boards, half-finished MST-13 timers, additional circuit-boards of the type, UZ4 relays and several connecting clamps (red-/black) as well MEBO soldering tin wire that was being used to hand-solder the various electronics building blocks of the MST-13 timer. (see police report no. B 004).

Moreover the FBI and the Scottish Police ordered from MEBO Inc. Two completely assembled MST-13 timers (including the casing), identical to the ones sold to Libya. Both these timers were then delivered to the forensic authorities for a price of SFR 1.000,--(invoice no B-0023).

Following the examination and comparison of the purchased two MST-13 timers, representatives from the Scottish Police returned to MEBO, with the very precise question: did MEBO use different types of MST-13 circuit boards ? The answer was "YES"!

At this point it is important to note that E. Meister and E.Bollier, up till 1998, had not at all discussed any details of the Lockerbie interrorgation with thei electronics engineer Ulrich Lumpert at that time. Excluding any form of possible influencing of the individual depositions, E. Meister and E.Bollier had no knowledge or information regarding Mr. Lumpert’s testimony with the forensic team. This statement is important to understand the following events:

Mysteries surrounding the alleged principle piece of prosecution-evidence, supposedly linking Libya to Lockerbie: the MST-13 timer circuit-board fragment! Prior to the official interrorgation of Mr. E.Meister and Mr. E.Bollier by the FBI and Scottish Police in 1990, four forensic photographs had been shown the MEBO executives, picturing:

   1. one MEBO-timer, type MST-13, without casing
   2. one MEBO electronic circuit-board UZ4, with scratched off company Logo "MEBO"
   3. an opened MST-13 timer (bottom-view) without casing and with the program-switch removed.
   4. A fragment with forensically applied saw-cuts belonging to MEBO MST-13 Timer circuit-board. This particular circuit-board had not been fitted with the proper complete relay-elements.

At least one of these photographs did also show a measuring ruler for size-comparison.

Mr. E.Meister and E.Bollier then had been asked to identify the pictured items to be parts and fragments from a MEBO MST-timer unit. The answer was: "YES". Meister and Bollier then had to answer the next question: where to were such timers sold? The answer: "only to Libya".

That was the moment when E.Meister and E.Bollier were told that the pictured, saw-cut, brown colored and partially carbonized circuit-board fragment in photograph no.4 had been discovered among the Lockerbie debris as part of the alleged bomb that downed Pan Am 103 on December 21, 1988.—As we know since March/April of 1998 only, the same questions had ben put before Mr. Ulrich Lumpert, the then MEBO electronics engineer.

Official interrogation by the FBI and Scottish Police in Zurich in the Fall of 1990, covered by the international agreement of reciprocity for such incidents of legal assistance.

During this official interrogation of witnesses by the FBI and the Scottish Police, the following incident occurred:

When the questioning focused onto the supposedly in Lockerbie discovered fragment from a MST-13 circuit-board, a representative from the Scottish Police produced a photograph with the explanation that this particular picture, - and not the formally shown photograph no.4, actually shows the true Lockerbie-fragment. This new picture showed an almost identically carbonized fragment as shown in the first photograph no.4! Why? Read the answer several paragraphs below:

This photograph was then entered as the official "Lockerbie-evidence" into the police-report introduced under an unknown ID-number at that time;- but signed by E.Meister and E.Bollier. (see:police protocol).

-This photograph of the alleged fragment that was supposedly discovered at Lockerbie showed details that convinced the MEBO-partners that the portrayed items shows a manipulated fragment from a non-functioning circuit-board.

This discovery then prompted E.Bollier to contact FBI- Legal Attache Robert Fanning at the US-embassy in Bern/Switzerland, to arrange a visit to FBI-HQ in Washington DC on February 9, 1991, in order to view the actual fragment!

Yet, upon arrival at the FBI HQ and during the February 9, 1991-week in Washington, piles of additional questions were being brought before E.Bollier; -with some of them having been answered while being connected to a lie-detector unit! Mr. Bollier was then being dismissed with the explanation that the original fragment was being safe-guarded in Scotland.

Within days after returning from Washington to Zurich, Mr. Edwin Bollier then travelled to Scotland for a visit with the forensic experts from the Scottish Police. But there too, E.Bollier was not allowed to view and/or examine the alleged fragment. Three additional and official requests sent to the Scottish Authorities by Mr. Bolier’s attorney were flatly denied-/rejected! (letters to the Lord Advocate, no. F0018)

Lacking proper support from the authorities in Switzerland, Scotland the USA and Libya, E.Meister and E.Bollier decided to halt their personal "forensic" investigation and to concentrate their efforts onto the day-to-day business activities of MEBO in order to keep at least alive what was then left of this company, following the badly adverse publicity in connection with the Lockerbie tragedy!

The subsequent deposition of a law-suit by the PanAm insurers, valued at 32mio US$, against MEBO Inc. End of 1991 then prompted Meister&Bollier to decidedly re-open their own extensive "forensic" research into the true background of the Lockerbie-affair.

Documented from information received from former MEBO electronics-engineer Ulrich Lumpert and supported by facts collected via phone-calls and meetings with representatives from the German Federal Police-BKA, E.Meister and E.Bollier recalled in 1993 that two MST-13 timers had been delivered to the then-East German Institute for Technical Research in Bernau. This transaction took place in 1985. We know today that this Institute was part of the Federal Security Services (STASI).

During the official police-interrogation in 1990/1991, E.Meister and E.Bollier simply did not remember this particular transaction (the sale of the two MST-13-prototypes to East Germany in 1985). These timers represent a truly negligeable transaction within the total volume of electronics equipment and accsessories (mainly communications product) traded with East Germany in those days.

When these facts were published in 1993 in many international news-media, critical analysts accused MEBO Inc. (Meister&Bollier) to have "manufactured" such a wild story to divert the suspicion of the forensic teams from Libya to another target-nation. It was even suggested that MEBO had accepted major payment for "this coverup-story"!!! --- But Mr. E.Meister and Mr. E.Bollier were able to produce clear proof for these transactions; - with German Federal Police (after discovery of the relevant receipt-documents from the archives of the former STASI-institute) clearly confirming receipt of the two timers in 1985!

These details were then officially added by Mr. E.Bollier to his original deposition made in 1991, 1992.

It is utterly absurd to believe that Libya would hand substantial funds to MEBO in order to see MEBO arguments being twisted into "facts" that would then appear in Libya’s favor!

The overall MEBO research efforts produced an enormous number of results, focusing mainly on discrepancies when compared to the official forensic reports. Known events before and after the Lockerbie-disaster easily confirm the belief and assumption that MEBO had been singled out and misused to establish the "script-oriented" link from Lockerbie to Libya.

In a forceful last-ditch effort to shed even more light into many aspects and angles of the general Lockerbie-events, with special focus on the alleged MEBO-involvment, MEBO decided end of 1997 to start a very forceful Internet-approach, including the appeal for copies of the official forensic fragment photographs. All these new activities were then concentrated in home-page *

The MEBO undertaking was amazingly successful in triggering a true flood of Lockerbie-activities reports, quickly reviving the then almost comatose Lockerbie-issue to volcano-or avalanche-like proportion. Large numbers of so far unknown (or little known) mysteries and dubious facts did surface as well.

These MEBO Internet-efforts also triggered a third party from the USA to first publish several pages of delicate information dealing with the 1985 crash of a DC-8 and possible links with Lockerbie via the MST-13 timer circuit board. Please: read the last section of this report for more information on the Gander-Lockerbie link.

During the intensive Internet-approach by MEBO, in 1998, MEBO also received the long sought after copy of the forensic fragment-photograph from a third party who was following the MEBO-/Bollier Internet publications. An enlargement of this photo then gave the following details:

   1. it was actually a copy of the forensic photograph shown to E.Meister and E.Bollier during the first meeting with the examining magistrate’s representatives.
   2. it is the picture of a hand-made circuit-board, clearly showing the differently soldered circuit-tracks.
   3. in Spring of 1998 MEBO received from a third party a video-recorded interview with FBI forensic expert in the Lockerbie case, Tom Thurman. In this video Thurman is showing exactly the same photograph, explaining that he knew on June 15, 1990 that this fragment was part of a MST-13 MEBO timer that allegedly triggered the Lockerbie bomb. --- It remains to be said at this point that T.Thurman has since been fired for allegedly manipulating forensic evidence in non-Lockerbie related cases.

During this extremely intensive MEBO research-approach into the Lockerbie events, Edwin Bollier met for the first time in 1998 since official interrogation with mr. Ulrich Lumpert, the then electronics engineer with MEBO, to discuss details from the testimony that U.Lumpert gave to the FBI and the Scottish Police.

U.Lumpert then rcalled that he had already stated the following in December 1993 for the BBC-airing of "Silence over Lockerbie" I did inform the investigators about the East German link during the first interrogation in late 1990; - a full year before the indictment of the two Libyan suspects. U. Lumpert also remembers that British, US and Swiss detectives were present during this first interrogation.

U.Lumpert remembers well that he clearly told these investigators in November of 1990 that the first two prototype timers had gone to East Berlin.

Mr. E.Meister and Mr. B.Bollier are at a loss to understand why the delivery of the two first prototype timers to East Germany had not been discussed at all, or even mentioned during their personal interrogation, despite probable full knowledge of these facts by the FBI and the Scottish Police, as far back as 1990! This incident demonstrates quite clearly that it was not at all desirable to know or even prove that other countries besides Libya had been handling MST-13 timers.

U.Lumpert also included into his 1990-protocol the fact that he had hand-etched three pieces of these MEBO MST-13 circuit-boards proto-types. He then used two of these circuit boards to complete two functioning MST-13 timers (the hand-made prototypes). He accidentally distroyed the third such board through breakage and he dropped it into the trash-bucket? (see policereport LU)

FBI forensic expert T.Thurman demonstrates in his video that the alleged Lockerbie-fragment is part of a handmade MST-13 timer circuit-board! Clearly visible markings show the hand-soldered tracks, sawed curvings, etc. An independent British forensic expert: Mr. Owen Lewis, declares in 1999 in two seperate TV airings: "Despatches" by channel 4, and "60 Minutes" by CBS the quite obviously visible differences between the hand-made and the industrially produced circuit-boards of these MST-13 timers.

E.Meister and E.Bollier can today clearly declare that the MEBO-MST-13 timers delivered to Libya were fitted with green-clored, machine-printed circuit-boards. Therefore we also know that the MST-13 timer fragment that was allegedly discovered in Lockerbie can not be from a MEBO MST-13 timer that was sold to Libya.

Just a reminder: thephotograph no.4 that was first shown to E.Meister and E.Bollier clearly shows a carbonated, hand-made segment from a brown-laquered circuit-board: (T.Thurmans fragment of July, 1990)!

The very precise question can be raised: WHO HAS EXCHANGED THIS PRIMARY PIECE OF EVIDENCE, the Lockerbie-fragment shown on photograph no.4, from the brown, hand-made circuit-board to the green, machine-produced pc-board, after learning that Libya had received none of the hand-made circuit-boards fitted into their MST-13 timers ?

On July 16, 1998, Mr. Edwin Bollier, chairman of MEBO Inc. officially added these new facts and revelations to his original testimony from 1990/91, in the District Attorney?s office in Zurich (acting for the office of the Swiss Attorney General). At the same time Mr. Bollier requested once more to be allowed to actually view-/examine the alleged forensic fragment evidence, in order to claerly determine the origin of this thumb-nail sized "chip". Is it part of the two timers sold to East Germany: - does it belong to the circuit-board that was broken by U.Lumpert, or could it possibly be from a Florida-made circuit-board-copy ? This last and latest possible version has been injected by Mr. Charles M. Buyers in early 1998, when he answered E.Bolliers Internet appeal. Buyer?s home-page then was: * Buyer’s title subject appeared as follows:


The detailed message on several pages also included three very clear photographs on one page, picturing an exact copy of the MST-13-circuit board. Charles Buyers explains that he knows of the one square inch fragment of the timer that was recovered at Lockerbie (among the PanAm wreckage). He clearly states: "I know where it was manufactured in Florida, by a company that delivered exclusively to the CIA. " Mr. Buyers himself and his accuracy ordnance company in Arizona had also delivered very special explosive devices to the CIA, DI and FBI for more than 15 years. Two forensic experts from the Los Angeles Police Dep visited his company in Arizona and clearly identified one such Buyers product to be responsible for the "explosion"-/crash of the Gander DC-8 in 1985. Only one week after their return to their jobs at the Los Angeles Police Dep. these veteran-specialists in defusing explosives had been called to disarm a pipe-bomb. Unfortunately this pipe-bomb was so smartly boobie-trapped that the two experts died!

Mr. E.Bollier and one of his associates: Mr. W. Anthony Meli, are absolutely certain today that Charles M. Buyers could shed much light into the Lockerbie-affair by clearly identifying the Florida-company that manufactured MST-13-timer circuit-board copies. This could be a very significant task because Mr. E.Bollier could not detect any differences between the MEBO circuit-boards and the one pictured by Charles Buyers!

During the detailed questioning of U.Lumpert by Mr. E.Bollier it was the first time that E.Bollier learned of the two blueprint copy-films that had been produced of the MST-13 timer circuit-boards.

We have to ask today: where are these first and second blueprint copy-films of the MST-timers ?

It was in early 1991 when E.Bollier was prepared to hand over the blueprintcopy-film and the only stencil of the MST-13 timer to representatives from the Scottish Police; - but he reaclied and the prepared material had been removed (stolen) from the MEBO premises.

Because E.Bollier had no knowledge at that time of two such blueprint copy-films being in existenence besides the stencil, the first such blueprint copy-film must have been removed at a much earlier time.

It is obvious that only an expert with proper knowledge was able to find, collect and remove exactly these items that were especially ment for the manufacture of the MST-13 timers.

Using the first set of blueprint copy-film, Mr. U.Lumpert produced the first three hand-made MST-13 timer prototype circuit-boards.

After applying minor changes on the blueprint-stencil, U.Lumpert had a second such blueprint copy-film made by a special film-copying institute. This second print was then used to produce the insutrially manufactured MST-13 timer circuit-boards. These industrially manufactured circuit-boards were about 1mm larger than the hand-made ones.

This serves as a significant item of evidence! The British forensic expert Mr. Owen Lewis, shows the difference between the insdustrial and the hand-made circuit-boards in his TV-airing: "Despatches" on Channel 4.

The alleged Lockerbie MST-13 fragment, as declared to be a large piece of evidence by T.Thurman on June 15, 1990, clearly shows, among many other significant discrepancies, that the industrially manufactured circuit-board is 1mm larger than the hand-made one!

The second blueprint copy-film was used by the Thuring-company to industrially manufacture 58 units of the MST-13 timer circuit-boards; --- to then be delivered to MEBO (delivery note no. F0016).

From these 58 industrially manufactured units, 24 pieces were different from the others. 34 units were green-lacquered on both sides, 24 units on one side only (front-side only).

E.Meister and E.Bollier erroniously assumed in the past that the first 5 produced MST-13 timers (prototypes) contained circuit-boards from the twentyfour industrial boards that were laquered on one side only!

Summary: had E.Meister and E.Bollier been given permission to examine the official fragment and-/or fragment photographs, we all would not have seen 8 years pass in order to prove that the MST-13 timer fragment that had allegedly been discovered in Lockerbie does not belong to a timer that had been delivered to Libya!

MEBO Inc. is not able to answer one very touchy question: Where are the first and the second sets of blueprint copy-films and the stencil for the manufacture of the MST-13 timers today? Due to the fact that all these items represent very special tools that had to be collected from various storing places within MEBO offices, we must assume that this material has been removed (stolen) by a very well instructed and equally knowledgeable expert. --- Whoever owns such set of tools will only have to organize the proper base-materials to then duplicate the MST-13 timers; - timer that could (and possibly would) match the original MEBO timers like a "fingerprint"!

This general MEBO report-section focuses mainly on the MST-13-TIMER-FRAGMENT.

The MEBO overall Lockerbie research has, though produced an extensive list of clear facts and results that reach far beyond the so-far known forensic (research-results published) by the official forensic teams. Most of the factual MEBO results are so stunning that the total of all result-pieces could easily be used to complete the Lockerbie-puzzle!

The extensive list of extraordinary MEBO research-results very clearly point to a well-planned conspiracy against Libya, by misusing MEBO to establish the link from Lockerbie to Libya via the alleged fragment from a MEBO MST-13 timer.

E.Meister and E.Bollier tremendously regret that they could experience no support whatsoever during their almost 8-years of heroic research for clear and honest answers in the Lockerbie-affair.

(end of report)
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« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2011, 07:47:55 pm »



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September 10, 2008.    Edwin Bollier has sent me the following email which contains an ITN news broadcast of Lumpert confessing that he lied during the Lockerbie trial.

emails 2008\Lumpert confession, posted Sept.10 2008.doc


May 5, 2008

There have been some significant developments in the Lockerbie case since March 26, 2008.  Edwin Bollier, President of MEBO has received legal assistance and can now file some damaging lawsuits against the authorities and other government employees who apparently have lied to the courts on the Lockerbie case.  Steven Spielberg is planning a movie on the Lockerbie disaster, based upon a book by author Juval Aziz.  Megrahi's attorney, Mr. Tony Kelly, is proceeding forward on Megrahi's second appeal.  The following emails will make interesting reading.  Following is an interesting email I received from Edwin Bollier concerning his meeting with a Libyan prosecutor.

To:    Carl Davies <>
References:    <>

After a meeting at the 24 April 2008 in Zurich/Switzerland,

Justice Hamidi Faraj Fannoush (Libya) and Edwin Bollier (MEBO Ltd.) can admits to be made, that before beginning of the Appeal at the High Court in Edinburgh three further hearings will take place, if possible before the court holidays.

The next hearing is to start at the beginning of May 2008; with the demand of Mr Megrahi' s lawers to reject the SCCRC-ruling about the limit for grounds in Megrahi's appeal. (SCCRC limit of 6 grounds)

Tony Kelly said:

"We don't have to limit our appeal on the grounds the Commission has identified. We have carte blanche to make it on as many grounds as we want."
This includes the claims about the most important MEBO MST-13 fragment of the bomb's timing mechanism that was allegedly found in the countyside near Lockerbie in the months after the atrocity.

Not forgotten, only the MST-13 fragment entangles Libya with the Lockerbie Tragedy.

Thus at the beginning of the Appeals, earliest can be counted at the end of September/October 2008.

MEBO will start next week a Criminal Complaint against persons of the Swiss Federal Police (ex BUPO), in the connection with the assistant shank with an important evidence-fraud of Scottish investigation officials.

(International law support against the Scottish Justice.) (Concerns the

MST-13 timer fragment, regarding the Falsification Evidence In the Lockerbie Case


Edwin Bolllier

emails 2008\Biggest fraud in Scottish history posted May 5 2008.doc

emails 2008\Biggest fraud (2) posted May 5 2008.doc

emails 2008\Proposal for a partial disclosure, posted May 5 2008.doc

emails 2008\Memo to Kelly re YouTube posted May 5 2008.doc

emails 2008\Lockerbie - The Biggest Fraud posted May 5 2008.doc

emails 2008\Witness Dr.Ludwig, reply Dr.Swire posted May 5 2008.doc

emails 2008\Big Oil wants relief from Libya posted May 5 2008.doc

emails 2008\Meeting MEBO and Fannoush posted May 5 2008.doc

emails 2008\Spielberg Lockerbie film posted May 5 2008.doc



March 26, 2008

Please read the following updates from Edwin Bollier, President of MEBO.

emails 2008\Update from Mebo, posted Mar 26, 2008.doc

emails 2008\The MST-13 timer review, posted March 26, 2008.doc

October 12, 2007

The Scottish Appeals Court met on October 11, 2007, to prepare for the Megrahi appeal.  Megrahi's defense team has brought to the attention of the Court the fact that it was not given a secret document from a foreign country.  The defense has until December 21, 2007 to lodge its appeal - details of which can be read by clicking the following hyperlinks.

emails 2007\Oct 11 Herald article.htm

emails 2007\Oct 12 Scotsman Swire comments_files

emails 2007\Oct 12 article from Ed Bollier.htm

emails 2007\Oct 11 Reuters article.htm


August 28, 2007

Dr. Hans Koechler has written an important memorandum discussing certain allegations of perjury on the part of MEBO ex-employee, Mr. Lumpert.  Please read the following email for details:

emails 2007\Dr. Hans Koechler memo Aug. 28 2007_files

News release: August 3, 2007

The following is an important email received today from Mr. Edwin Bollier where he informs the authorities and the public that an ex-employee of his company, MEBO TELECOMMUNICATIONS, has recently confessed in a signed affidavit (posted below) that he stole a MEBO timer, together with documentation and a circuit print, and passed these items over to Scottish police, thereby enabling them to complete a conspiracy to frame Libya as a responsible party in the bombing of Pan Am 103.


To review the history and details of the MEBO MST-13 timer fragment, please follow the links below.

You will find two important documentaries.  One by CBS "60 Minutes" and the other by Channel 4 "Dispatches".  These two documentaries will explain in detail the identification discrepancies between the MST-13 timer fragment that was allegedly discovered in the Lockerbie debris field, and the commercially produced MST-13 timer circuit board sold to Libya.   These discrepancies were ignored by the five Scottish judges during the Lockerbie trial. However, now we are finally finding out the truth !!


Link: Click here to see Introductory video for a Channel 4 documentary regarding the timer fragment.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Edwin Bollier <>
Date: 03.08.2007 22:14
Subject: Fwd: For: Internet; LIBYA; T. Kelly; EU/Dick Marty; Dr. Köchler; UN; AU; Swiss Federal Police; F.N.Sarkozy; Sec.of State, Dr. C.Rice; I.Ferguson

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Edwin Bollier <>
Date: 03.08.2007 21:55
Subject: Fwd: For: Internet; LIBYA; T. Kelly; EU/Dick Marty; Dr. Köchler; UN; AU; Swiss Federal Police; F.N.Sarkozy ; Sec.of State, Dr. C.Rice; I.Ferguson


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Edwin Bollier <>
Date: 29.07.2007 18:45
Subject: For: Internet; LIBYA; EU/Dick Marty; Dr. Köchler; UN; AU; Swiss Federal Police; F.N.Sarkozy; Sec.of St. Dr. C.Rice; I.Ferguson

Dear Karl
For your information:This is for the time being the last situation in the "Lockerbie-Affair".
Many greatings
Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd


'Lockerbie Conspiracy' against LIBYA ---- Scottish Police Notebook's destroyed ---- Scottish Police chief alias 'Golfer': "The Lockerbie evidence was faked" ----
SCCR-Commission; Lairs And Cover-Up Merchants. The "Lockerbie-Trial" is the most disgraceful miscarriage of justice in Scotland ----
only the alleged vital  evidence that  LIBYA linked  to the bombing of PanAm 103 to mr. Abdulbaset al Megrahi, was a tiny fragment of a (scottish manipulated) MEBO MST-13 Timer circuit board.----
Engeneer U.Lumpert, ex of employee at company MEBO Ltd:  "I stole 1989 the  third handmanufactured MST-13 Timer PC-board with a summary of the production films and have handed over the material to a person officially-investigated in the 'Lockerbie-case'...
Before Mebo wanted to submit a criminal complain against mr. Lumpert on 15th July, 2007, itself was ready to will deliver the following Affidavit, in German language, notarially authenticates.
English translation: Re. the Original Affidavit is in German language.
ULRICH LUMPERT, 8122 Binz / Kt. Zurich, Switzerland

Page 1 U.L.
For the LIBYA Department of State

The Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Zurich 18th July, 2007



of Mr. Ulrich Lumpert, electronic engeneer, ex of

employees at company MEBO Ltd Telecommunication

8004 Zurich / Switzerland, between 1978 to1994.


Ex a witness during the process 'Fhimah, Al Megrahi'

(Lockerbie-case) 2000 in Kamp van Zeist NL.

Personal data: Name: Ulrich Lumpert;

Date of birth: 20 September 1942;

Occupation: electronic engeneer;

Residence:8122 Binz, Kt.Zurich / Switzerland



The following facts, which correspond to the truth,

were signed by Mr. Ulrich Lumpert on 18th July 2007.


1.> During the examination by the Bundespolizei (Federal

Police) "BUPO" Switzerland, FBI und Scottish Police

present in Zurich in 1991;


the examination of the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA)

(Federal Bureau of Criminal Investigation) by Com-

missioner Fuhl in Konstanz / Germany 1991;

as well

as in the "Lockerbie Trial" in Kamp van Zeist 2000.

I had testified as witness No.550 and stated in the

record, that of the 3 pieces of hand-made prototypes

MST-13 Timer PC-Boards the third MST-13 PC-Boarcd

was brocken and I had thrown it away.


ULRICH LUMPERT, 8122 Binz / Kt. Zurich / Switzerland

Page 2  U.L.
I built two functioning MST-13 Timers with the remai-

ning 2 PC-Boards, which were delivered to the GDR

State Security Service (STASI) by Mr. Bollier

The MST-13 PC-Boards consisted of 8 layers of fiber-

glass and were brown in colour.

2.> These statements recorded by me were not correct!


I confirm today on 18th July 2007 that I stole the third

handmanufactured MST-13 Timer PC-Board consisting

of 8 layers of fiberglass from MEBO Ltd. and gave it

without permission on *22nd June 1989 to a person

officially-investigated in the "Lockerbie case".

3.> At this *time I did not know , that the MST-13 Timer

PC-Board was used for a specific purpose in

connection with the attack on PanAm 103,

otherwise I would have requested permission from

one of the owners of M/S Mebo Ltd (Meister or Bollier)

to release the MST-13 PC-Board.

4.> In addition I have handed over without permission a

summary of the production films, hand-stuck templates

and the blueprints of the MST-13 Timer production in a

yellow evelope to Det. Superintendent James

Gilchrist, Scottish Police during a *visit to Zurich in June


(* according to Mebo: without the necessary sanction

of the Swiss law enforcement).

5.> Reason why I did not explain the true background be-

fore the court proceedings.I have been living in an indescribable condition of

depression of and fear since my second exa-

mination by the police in 1991.


I got a shock and was in a significant state of anxiety

when I was shown the photograph with the apparent

MST-13 Timer fragment by the "BUPO", FBI and the

Scottish Police , surprisingly for the first time in *mid

January 1991 , which was apparently found in

Lockerbie and they confronted me with the fact that

this MST-13 Timer fragment was found in Lockebie and

was a part of the ignition device of the suitcase with

explosives, which caused the Boeing 747 PanAm

Flight 103 to crash, killing 270 people...



ULRICH LUMPERT, 8122 Binz / Kt. Zurich / Switzerland

Page 3  U.L.
*According to Mr. Bollier`s statement he was shown

photographs of the MST-13 Timer fragment (No.PT/35,

PT/35(b) etc.) on 23rd April 1990 by "BUPO" and on

15th November 1990 by FBI and the Scottish Police.


Although the portrayed MST-13 fragment at this time

itself, had been sawed into two pieces apparently

for forensic reasons, it did not escape me that the

MST-13 fragment on the police photograph

(No. PT/35(b) came from the non-operational

MST-13 prototype PC-board that I had stolen; this

because there are clear characteristics e.g. on a

specific soldering terminal, a relay had never been


The soldering terminal was flat and clean at this

place.Take note

: I saw the photograph with the illustration

of the non-processed originals, apparently the

MST-13 Timer fragment under "Evidence No. PT-35,

image 9 from Crownoffice, gov. UK", for the first time

at MEBO Ltd after the "Lockerbie- Appeal 2001",

before my first Affidavit.

I clearly recognize the scratched remnants of the

soldering tracts on this enlarged digital police

photograph. I had nothing to do with the letter "M"

(possibly an abbreviation of Muster 'sample'), which


When I realized that the MST-13 PC-board, after it

was handed over by me without permission was

misused for deliberate politically criminal "action", it

was clear to me that I was stuck "in the middle of it"

and decided to keep quiet, for it could have been

extremely dangerous for me as an unintentional "bearer of secrets"...

I am sorry for the consequences of my silence at that

time for the innocent Libyan Mr. Abdelbaset Al

Megrahi, sentenced to life imprisonment, and for the

country of Libya.


ULRICH LUMPERT, 8122 Binz / Kt. Zurich, Switzerland

Page 4  U.L.

With the information known to me I would like to put

an end to the accusation that Libya is responsible for

the Lockerbie Tragedy by "manufacturing" MST-13

Timer-Link with criminal intent.



6.> The reason why I reveal this fundamentally impor-

tant information only today :

I would like to use this opportunity to clear my

conscience, because I cannot be prosecuted for

stealing, delivering and making false statements about

the MST-13 Timer PC-board, on grounds of statutory



7.> The time is right for this, because action for a 2and

Appeal has been granted in the "Lockerbie Case" on

account of "Miscarriage of Justice"

I would also like to apologize to Mr. Meister and Mr.

Bollier, MEBO Ltd for the damage caused to their


I herewith declare that the contents of the Affidavit

are true.

4 pages.

 Zürich, 18.07.2007


 (U.L.)  Ulrich Lumpert

__________________________________________________________Only valid for the German Affidavit


Official Certification

This is to certify that this copy corresponds exactly with the document (4 single pages) shown to us this day and declared to be the orginal.

Zurich, this 18. 07. 2007

B No. 2070



Walter Wieland, certifying officer





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Alfre Dkim
Posts: 4

« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2011, 03:29:01 am »

The Zeist set up was indeed theatrical and designed to encourage press and TV attendance, while the use of the 'relatives' lounge at Zeist by members of the prosecution team....
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Hero Member
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« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2014, 01:56:43 pm »

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