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September 10, 2008. Edwin Bollier has sent me the following email which contains an ITN news broadcast of Lumpert confessing that he lied during the Lockerbie trial.
emails 2008\Lumpert confession, posted Sept.10 2008.doc
May 5, 2008
There have been some significant developments in the Lockerbie case since March 26, 2008. Edwin Bollier, President of MEBO has received legal assistance and can now file some damaging lawsuits against the authorities and other government employees who apparently have lied to the courts on the Lockerbie case. Steven Spielberg is planning a movie on the Lockerbie disaster, based upon a book by author Juval Aziz. Megrahi's attorney, Mr. Tony Kelly, is proceeding forward on Megrahi's second appeal. The following emails will make interesting reading. Following is an interesting email I received from Edwin Bollier concerning his meeting with a Libyan prosecutor.
To: Carl Davies <>
References: <>
After a meeting at the 24 April 2008 in Zurich/Switzerland,
Justice Hamidi Faraj Fannoush (Libya) and Edwin Bollier (MEBO Ltd.) can admits to be made, that before beginning of the Appeal at the High Court in Edinburgh three further hearings will take place, if possible before the court holidays.
The next hearing is to start at the beginning of May 2008; with the demand of Mr Megrahi' s lawers to reject the SCCRC-ruling about the limit for grounds in Megrahi's appeal. (SCCRC limit of 6 grounds)
Tony Kelly said:
"We don't have to limit our appeal on the grounds the Commission has identified. We have carte blanche to make it on as many grounds as we want."
This includes the claims about the most important MEBO MST-13 fragment of the bomb's timing mechanism that was allegedly found in the countyside near Lockerbie in the months after the atrocity.
Not forgotten, only the MST-13 fragment entangles Libya with the Lockerbie Tragedy.
Thus at the beginning of the Appeals, earliest can be counted at the end of September/October 2008.
MEBO will start next week a Criminal Complaint against persons of the Swiss Federal Police (ex BUPO), in the connection with the assistant shank with an important evidence-fraud of Scottish investigation officials.
(International law support against the Scottish Justice.) (Concerns the
MST-13 timer fragment, regarding the Falsification Evidence In the Lockerbie Case
Edwin Bolllier
emails 2008\Biggest fraud in Scottish history posted May 5 2008.doc
emails 2008\Biggest fraud (2) posted May 5 2008.doc
emails 2008\Proposal for a partial disclosure, posted May 5 2008.doc
emails 2008\Memo to Kelly re YouTube posted May 5 2008.doc
emails 2008\Lockerbie - The Biggest Fraud posted May 5 2008.doc
emails 2008\Witness Dr.Ludwig, reply Dr.Swire posted May 5 2008.doc
emails 2008\Big Oil wants relief from Libya posted May 5 2008.doc
emails 2008\Meeting MEBO and Fannoush posted May 5 2008.doc
emails 2008\Spielberg Lockerbie film posted May 5 2008.doc
March 26, 2008
Please read the following updates from Edwin Bollier, President of MEBO.
emails 2008\Update from Mebo, posted Mar 26, 2008.doc
emails 2008\The MST-13 timer review, posted March 26, 2008.doc
October 12, 2007
The Scottish Appeals Court met on October 11, 2007, to prepare for the Megrahi appeal. Megrahi's defense team has brought to the attention of the Court the fact that it was not given a secret document from a foreign country. The defense has until December 21, 2007 to lodge its appeal - details of which can be read by clicking the following hyperlinks.
emails 2007\Oct 11 Herald article.htm
emails 2007\Oct 12 Scotsman Swire comments_files
emails 2007\Oct 12 article from Ed Bollier.htm
emails 2007\Oct 11 Reuters article.htm
August 28, 2007
Dr. Hans Koechler has written an important memorandum discussing certain allegations of perjury on the part of MEBO ex-employee, Mr. Lumpert. Please read the following email for details:
emails 2007\Dr. Hans Koechler memo Aug. 28 2007_files
News release: August 3, 2007
The following is an important email received today from Mr. Edwin Bollier where he informs the authorities and the public that an ex-employee of his company, MEBO TELECOMMUNICATIONS, has recently confessed in a signed affidavit (posted below) that he stole a MEBO timer, together with documentation and a circuit print, and passed these items over to Scottish police, thereby enabling them to complete a conspiracy to frame Libya as a responsible party in the bombing of Pan Am 103.
To review the history and details of the MEBO MST-13 timer fragment, please follow the links below.
You will find two important documentaries. One by CBS "60 Minutes" and the other by Channel 4 "Dispatches". These two documentaries will explain in detail the identification discrepancies between the MST-13 timer fragment that was allegedly discovered in the Lockerbie debris field, and the commercially produced MST-13 timer circuit board sold to Libya. These discrepancies were ignored by the five Scottish judges during the Lockerbie trial. However, now we are finally finding out the truth !! # 6, 6th July, 2007. DEMAND FOR A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION
Link: Click here to see Introductory video for a Channel 4 documentary regarding the timer fragment.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Edwin Bollier <>
Date: 03.08.2007 22:14
Subject: Fwd: For: Internet; LIBYA; T. Kelly; EU/Dick Marty; Dr. Köchler; UN; AU; Swiss Federal Police; F.N.Sarkozy; Sec.of State, Dr. C.Rice; I.Ferguson
To: Forwarded message ----------
From: Edwin Bollier <>
Date: 03.08.2007 21:55
Subject: Fwd: For: Internet; LIBYA; T. Kelly; EU/Dick Marty; Dr. Köchler; UN; AU; Swiss Federal Police; F.N.Sarkozy ; Sec.of State, Dr. C.Rice; I.Ferguson
To: ---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Edwin Bollier <>
Date: 29.07.2007 18:45
Subject: For: Internet; LIBYA; EU/Dick Marty; Dr. Köchler; UN; AU; Swiss Federal Police; F.N.Sarkozy; Sec.of St. Dr. C.Rice; I.Ferguson
To: Dear Karl
For your information:This is for the time being the last situation in the "Lockerbie-Affair".
Many greatings
Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd
'Lockerbie Conspiracy' against LIBYA ---- Scottish Police Notebook's destroyed ---- Scottish Police chief alias 'Golfer': "The Lockerbie evidence was faked" ----
SCCR-Commission; Lairs And Cover-Up Merchants. The "Lockerbie-Trial" is the most disgraceful miscarriage of justice in Scotland ----
only the alleged vital evidence that LIBYA linked to the bombing of PanAm 103 to mr. Abdulbaset al Megrahi, was a tiny fragment of a (scottish manipulated) MEBO MST-13 Timer circuit board.----
Engeneer U.Lumpert, ex of employee at company MEBO Ltd: "I stole 1989 the third handmanufactured MST-13 Timer PC-board with a summary of the production films and have handed over the material to a person officially-investigated in the 'Lockerbie-case'...
Before Mebo wanted to submit a criminal complain against mr. Lumpert on 15th July, 2007, itself was ready to will deliver the following Affidavit, in German language, notarially authenticates.
English translation: Re. the Original Affidavit is in German language.
ULRICH LUMPERT, 8122 Binz / Kt. Zurich, Switzerland
Page 1 U.L.
For the LIBYA Department of State
The Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Zurich 18th July, 2007
of Mr. Ulrich Lumpert, electronic engeneer, ex of
employees at company MEBO Ltd Telecommunication
8004 Zurich / Switzerland, between 1978 to1994.
Ex a witness during the process 'Fhimah, Al Megrahi'
(Lockerbie-case) 2000 in Kamp van Zeist NL.
Personal data: Name: Ulrich Lumpert;
Date of birth: 20 September 1942;
Occupation: electronic engeneer;
Residence:8122 Binz, Kt.Zurich / Switzerland
The following facts, which correspond to the truth,
were signed by Mr. Ulrich Lumpert on 18th July 2007.
1.> During the examination by the Bundespolizei (Federal
Police) "BUPO" Switzerland, FBI und Scottish Police
present in Zurich in 1991;
the examination of the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA)
(Federal Bureau of Criminal Investigation) by Com-
missioner Fuhl in Konstanz / Germany 1991;
as well
as in the "Lockerbie Trial" in Kamp van Zeist 2000.
I had testified as witness No.550 and stated in the
record, that of the 3 pieces of hand-made prototypes
MST-13 Timer PC-Boards the third MST-13 PC-Boarcd
was brocken and I had thrown it away.
ULRICH LUMPERT, 8122 Binz / Kt. Zurich / Switzerland
Page 2 U.L.
I built two functioning MST-13 Timers with the remai-
ning 2 PC-Boards, which were delivered to the GDR
State Security Service (STASI) by Mr. Bollier
The MST-13 PC-Boards consisted of 8 layers of fiber-
glass and were brown in colour.
2.> These statements recorded by me were not correct!
I confirm today on 18th July 2007 that I stole the third
handmanufactured MST-13 Timer PC-Board consisting
of 8 layers of fiberglass from MEBO Ltd. and gave it
without permission on *22nd June 1989 to a person
officially-investigated in the "Lockerbie case".
3.> At this *time I did not know , that the MST-13 Timer
PC-Board was used for a specific purpose in
connection with the attack on PanAm 103,
otherwise I would have requested permission from
one of the owners of M/S Mebo Ltd (Meister or Bollier)
to release the MST-13 PC-Board.
4.> In addition I have handed over without permission a
summary of the production films, hand-stuck templates
and the blueprints of the MST-13 Timer production in a
yellow evelope to Det. Superintendent James
Gilchrist, Scottish Police during a *visit to Zurich in June
(* according to Mebo: without the necessary sanction
of the Swiss law enforcement).
5.> Reason why I did not explain the true background be-
fore the court proceedings.I have been living in an indescribable condition of
depression of and fear since my second exa-
mination by the police in 1991.
I got a shock and was in a significant state of anxiety
when I was shown the photograph with the apparent
MST-13 Timer fragment by the "BUPO", FBI and the
Scottish Police , surprisingly for the first time in *mid
January 1991 , which was apparently found in
Lockerbie and they confronted me with the fact that
this MST-13 Timer fragment was found in Lockebie and
was a part of the ignition device of the suitcase with
explosives, which caused the Boeing 747 PanAm
Flight 103 to crash, killing 270 people...
ULRICH LUMPERT, 8122 Binz / Kt. Zurich / Switzerland
Page 3 U.L.
*According to Mr. Bollier`s statement he was shown
photographs of the MST-13 Timer fragment (No.PT/35,
PT/35(b) etc.) on 23rd April 1990 by "BUPO" and on
15th November 1990 by FBI and the Scottish Police.
Although the portrayed MST-13 fragment at this time
itself, had been sawed into two pieces apparently
for forensic reasons, it did not escape me that the
MST-13 fragment on the police photograph
(No. PT/35(b) came from the non-operational
MST-13 prototype PC-board that I had stolen; this
because there are clear characteristics e.g. on a
specific soldering terminal, a relay had never been
The soldering terminal was flat and clean at this
place.Take note
: I saw the photograph with the illustration
of the non-processed originals, apparently the
MST-13 Timer fragment under "Evidence No. PT-35,
image 9 from Crownoffice, gov. UK", for the first time
at MEBO Ltd after the "Lockerbie- Appeal 2001",
before my first Affidavit.
I clearly recognize the scratched remnants of the
soldering tracts on this enlarged digital police
photograph. I had nothing to do with the letter "M"
(possibly an abbreviation of Muster 'sample'), which
When I realized that the MST-13 PC-board, after it
was handed over by me without permission was
misused for deliberate politically criminal "action", it
was clear to me that I was stuck "in the middle of it"
and decided to keep quiet, for it could have been
extremely dangerous for me as an unintentional "bearer of secrets"...
I am sorry for the consequences of my silence at that
time for the innocent Libyan Mr. Abdelbaset Al
Megrahi, sentenced to life imprisonment, and for the
country of Libya.
ULRICH LUMPERT, 8122 Binz / Kt. Zurich, Switzerland
Page 4 U.L.
With the information known to me I would like to put
an end to the accusation that Libya is responsible for
the Lockerbie Tragedy by "manufacturing" MST-13
Timer-Link with criminal intent.
6.> The reason why I reveal this fundamentally impor-
tant information only today :
I would like to use this opportunity to clear my
conscience, because I cannot be prosecuted for
stealing, delivering and making false statements about
the MST-13 Timer PC-board, on grounds of statutory
7.> The time is right for this, because action for a 2and
Appeal has been granted in the "Lockerbie Case" on
account of "Miscarriage of Justice"
I would also like to apologize to Mr. Meister and Mr.
Bollier, MEBO Ltd for the damage caused to their
I herewith declare that the contents of the Affidavit
are true.
4 pages.
Zürich, 18.07.2007
(U.L.) Ulrich Lumpert
__________________________________________________________Only valid for the German Affidavit
Official Certification
This is to certify that this copy corresponds exactly with the document (4 single pages) shown to us this day and declared to be the orginal.
Zurich, this 18. 07. 2007
B No. 2070
Walter Wieland, certifying officer
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